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I know... if that's your only problem with the game though that's really generous lmao.. Made it 4 years ago and you can tell that it was one of my first games, it's so bad lol. Left it online for the nostalgia, nowadays I don't even make games anymore but thanks for playing anyways!

This game is on hold. For questions and wishes, please DM us on Twitter.

We are hiring Discord Moderators to set up a discord Server. Contact me, @BowserJ#4492 Thank you!


I've got that weird Unity-package manager-could-not-etablish-Connection-error and I don't know how to fix it. I'm trying to reinstalll Unity but if this doesn't work, I Need your help: Does some of you guys know how to fix that problem?

I wrote a thread in the Unity Forum, I hope they will see it.

They say that a program is Blocking Unity. But which program is able to block it and why?

Yes, I'm finally back in Unity Editor!

If you can't turn arround or if the game Looks like a bad mobile game then check out the game settings

only the music zip sees to be available

We are sorry but the game itself is not good enough to be avaible yet.

oh i see, well, see you when it's ready

Yes we let you know when it is Ready :)

Hey, do you want to help testing the demo?

Deleted 5 years ago

Sorry but I could test it by myself, but we will contact you when the full Version comes out. But you can report any bugs. Thank you.